Miranda Joy Summers

Miranda Joy Summers

  • Biography

    Miranda Joy Summers
    WHITE LIGHT ~ A Solo Exhibition
    August 2024

    Before Sound, Before Sun, Before Heat, there is WHITE LIGHT.

    Miranda's latest body of work is an exploration of landscapes inspired by the heavily soluble atmospheric conditions of humidity. In the early morning on Sydney Harbour, as the sun rises into the thick air of late summer, the sky transforms into a pure, dazzling white refractive light. The sea in the distance merges seamlessly with the sky and distant harbour shore line pales to a blot creating an illusion of infinite space. Water pools silently around my feet and the rocks resemble stepping stones into the void. There is no above or below, just WHITE LIGHT.

    Using a palette knife and impasto oils, Miranda captures the essence of water and land, the interplay between soluble and solid matter. Her palette knife strokes are deliberate and expressive, aiming to best describe the scene through texture and form. She emphasises the dynamic interplay between negative and positive space, creating a unique dialogue between the foreground and the perceived distance, effectively reducing spatial separation. This technique challenges conventional perceptions of tone and shape, inviting viewers to engage deeply with both the immediate view and the encompassing bright white light that dominates the sky, capturing the essence of this transformative moment.

Showing all 10 artworks

Miranda Joy Summers

Long Bay At Cammeray Triptych (Purchased as a Triptych)
102 x 306 cm Oil on Canvas Sold

Miranda Joy Summers

F.Stop Rusty White Light
76 x 76 cm Oil on Canvas (Oak Float Frame) Sold

Miranda Joy Summers

F.Stop Rock White Light
76 x 76 cm Oil on Canvas (Oak Float Frame) Sold

Miranda Joy Summers

Under Rusty Fig White Light
102 x 153 cm Oil on Canvas (Oak Float Frame) Sold

Miranda Joy Summers

White Light Triptych (Purchased as a Triptych)
102 x 306 cm Oil on Canvas (Oak Float Frame) Sold

Miranda Joy Summers

F.Stop White Light White Light
102 x 102 cm Oil on Canvas (Oak Float Frame) Sold

Miranda Joy Summers

F.Stop Scarp White Light
46 x 61.5 cm Oil on Canvas (Oak Float Frame) Sold

Miranda Joy Summers

Tall Lily
49 x 44 cm Oil on Canvas $1,100.00

Miranda Joy Summers

Filly lily
49 x 44 cm Oil on Canvas $1,100.00

Miranda Joy Summers

Pimelia (Vic Ash Float Frame)
20.5 x 20.5 cm Oil on Canvas Sold