Elizabeth Hersey
Elizabeth is a contemporary sculptor based in Hervey Bay. Born in Australia, she grew up in Papua
New Guinea and country Victoria before moving to Queensland in 1990.
Best known for her bronze wildlife work, Elizabeth successfully melds a love of sculpture with her
affection for nature. A style that conveys a sense of calm, beauty and solace, qualities synonymous
with the natural world.
Sculptures are cast using the lost wax method and produced in small, limited edition of 25.
Each new artwork takes 8 to 12 months to complete, from initial conception through to the finished bronze.
Art and nature have always been an important part of my life. Raised in an artistic family that spans many
generations, I was naturally expressing my own creativity at a young age, though drawing, and little
objects that were fashioned from whatever materials I would spend hours exploring bushlands and visiting
streams, collecting tadpoles, and helping raise orphan baby birds. These early experiences helped establish that
deep love of the natural world which would be a continuing theme in my work.
At age 15 I was introduced to Polymer clay, and by 16 I was producing my own jewellery designs.
I spent the next 20 years making Australian wildlife brooches and earrings, suppling stockists, and selling at art fairs.
In 2012 came an opportunity to participate in a bronze casting workshop, and although I leave this to the skill
of a foundry, I loved the insight into the labour-intensive process of lost wax casting and was captivated by the
wonderful qualities of bronze. It ignited a passion to share the things I find so deeply inspiring in a whole new
way. And so, my journey in bronze began. You will often find me tucked away in my home-based
studio. A space that houses treasured possessions, found and acquired curios, and shelves of glass jars filled with sculpting tools that form an important part of my practice. A big window looks out onto the garden, where Gumtrees stand tall and proud, and the frequent chatter of birds is soul music as I work away on new pieces.
My Great-grandfather in his workshop. He was a cobbler by trade and artist who carved animals out of wood. If
you look closely, you can see the little boy (his grandson) I knew my Great-grandfather as a child, a gentle, kind
man, and I feel blessed to share that same creative passion and affection for wildlife.
If only we could sit and talk now, what wonderful art filled conversations we would have.
Showing all 10 artworks